Cheng, Junhui, Pengfei Chu, Dima Chen, Yongfei Bai, and Shuli Niu. 2016. “Functional Correlations Between Specific Leaf Area And Specific Root Length Along A Regional Environmental Gradient In Inner Mongolia Grasslands” 30: 985-997.
FRED Data Sources
Displaying 51 - 100 of 1291
Pu, Xiaozhen, Chunying Yin, Qunying Xiao, Mingfeng Qiao, and Qing Liu. 2016. “Fine Roots Branch Orders Of Abies Faxoniana Respond Differentially To Warming In A Subalpine Coniferous Forest Ecosystem” 91: 955-966.
Liu, Ruiqiang, Zhiqun Huang, Luke McCormack, Xuhui Zhou, Xiaohua Wan, Zaipeng Yu, Minhuang Wang, and Lujia Zheng. 2016. “Plasticity Of Fine-Root Functional Traits In The Litter Layer In Response To Nitrogen Addition In A Subtropical Forest Plantation” 415: 317-330.
Wang, Yan, Xueyun Dong, Hongfeng Wang, Zhengquan Wang, Jiacun Gu, and Daniel Epron. 2016. “Root Tip Morphology, Anatomy, Chemistry And Potential Hydraulic Conductivity Vary With Soil Depth In Three Temperate Hardwood Species” 36: 99-108.
Dong, Lili, Zijun Mao, and Tao Sun. 2016. “Condensed Tannin Effects On Decomposition Of Very Fine Roots Among Temperate Tree Species” 103: 489-492.
Ceccon, Christian, Massimo Tagliavini, Armin Otto Schmitt, David M. Eissenstat, and Daniel Epron. 2016. “Untangling The Effects Of Root Age And Tissue Nitrogen On Root Respiration In Populus Tremuloides At Different Nitrogen Supply” 36: 618-627.
Jeffery, Robert P., Richard J. Simpson, Hans Lambers, Daniel R. Kidd, and Megan H. Ryan. 2016. “Root Morphology Acclimation To Phosphorus Supply By Six Cultivars Of Trifolium Subterraneum L” 412: 21-34.
Nardini, Andrea, Valentino Casolo, Anna Dal Borgo, Tadeja Savi, Barbara Stenni, Paolo Bertoncin, Luca Zini, and Nathan G. McDowell. 2016. “Rooting Depth, Water Relations And Non-Structural Carbohydrate Dynamics In Three Woody Angiosperms Differentially Affected By An Extreme Summer Drought” 39: 618-627.
Eissenstat, David M., Joshua M. Kucharski, Marcin Zadworny, Thomas S. Adams, and Roger T. Koide. 2015. “Linking Root Traits To Nutrient Foraging In Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Trees In A Temperate Forest” 208: 114-124.
Liu, Bitao, Hongbo Li, Biao Zhu, Roger T. Koide, David M. Eissenstat, and Dali Guo. 2015. “Complementarity In Nutrient Foraging Strategies Of Absorptive Fine Roots And Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Across 14 Coexisting Subtropical Tree Species” 208: 125-136.
Freschet, Grégoire T., Emilie Kichenin, David A. Wardle, and Francesco de Bello. 2015. “Explaining Within-Community Variation In Plant Biomass Allocation: A Balance Between Organ Biomass And Morphology Above Vs Below Ground?” 26: 431-440.
Poon, Gary T., and Hafiz Maherali. 2015. “Competitive Interactions Between A Nonmycorrhizal Invasive Plant, Alliaria Petiolata, And A Suite Of Mycorrhizal Grassland, Old Field, And Forest Species” 3: e1090.
Fort, Florian, Pablo Cruz, Olivier Catrice, Antoine Delbrut, Manuel Luzarreta, Ciprian Stroia, and Claire Jouany. 2015. “Root Functional Trait Syndromes And Plasticity Drive The Ability Of Grassland Fabaceae To Tolerate Water And Phosphorus Shortage” 110: 62-72.
Fort, Florian, Pablo Cruz, Olivier Catrice, Antoine Delbrut, Manuel Luzarreta, Ciprian Stroia, and Claire Jouany. 2015. “Root Functional Trait Syndromes And Plasticity Drive The Ability Of Grassland Fabaceae To Tolerate Water And Phosphorus Shortage” 110: 62-72.
Kubisch, Petra, Dietrich Hertel, and Christoph Leuschner. 2015. “Do Ectomycorrhizal And Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Temperate Tree Species Systematically Differ In Root Order-Related Fine Root Morphology And Biomass?” 6: 64.
Germon, Amandine, Rémi Cardinael, Iván Prieto, Zhun Mao, John Kim, Alexia Stokes, Christian Dupraz, Jean-Paul Laclau, and Christophe Jourdan. 2015. “Unexpected Phenology And Lifespan Of Shallow And Deep Fine Roots Of Walnut Trees Grown In A Silvoarable Mediterranean Agroforestry System” 401: 409-426.
Freschet, Grégoire T., Elferra M. Swart, and Johannes H. C. Cornelissen. 2015. “Integrated Plant Phenotypic Responses To Contrasting Above- And Below-Ground Resources: Key Roles Of Specific Leaf Area And Root Mass Fraction” 206: 1247-1260.
Wang, Jun-Jian, Nishanth Tharayil, Alex T. Chow, Vidya Suseela, and Hui Zeng. 2015. “Phenolic Profile Within The Fine-Root Branching Orders Of An Evergreen Species Highlights A Disconnect In Root Tissue Quality Predicted By Elemental- And Molecular-Level Carbon Composition” 206: 1261-1273.
Yang, Z., R. A. Culvenor, R. E. Haling, A. Stefanski, M. H. Ryan, G. A. Sandral, D. R. Kidd, H. Lambers, and R. J. Simpson. 2015. “Variation In Root Traits Associated With Nutrient Foraging Among Temperate Pasture Legumes And Grasses” 72: 93-103.
Kou, Liang, Weiwei Chen, Xinyu Zhang, Wenlong Gao, Hao Yang, Dandan Li, and Shenggong Li. 2015. “Differential Responses Of Needle And Branch Order-Based Root Decay To Nitrogen Addition: Dominant Effects Of Acid-Unhydrolyzable Residue And Microbial Enzymes” 394: 315-327.
Wurzburger, Nina, and Joseph Wright. 2015. “Fine-Root Responses To Fertilization Reveal Multiple Nutrient Limitation In A Lowland Tropical Forest” 96: 2137-2146.
Wu, Qiang-Sheng, Chun-Yan Liu, De-Jian Zhang, Ying-Ning Zou, Xin-Hua He, and Qing-Hua Wu. 2015. “Mycorrhiza Alters The Profile Of Root Hairs In Trifoliate Orange” 26: 237-247.
Dong, Xueyun, Hongfeng Wang, Jiacun Gu, Yan Wang, and Zhengquan Wang. 2015. “Root Morphology, Histology And Chemistry Of Nine Fern Species (Pteridophyta) In A Temperate Forest” 393: 215-227.
Zadworny, M., M. L. McCormack, K. Rawlik, and A. M. Jagodzi ski. 2015. “Seasonal Variation In Chemistry, But Not Morphology, In Roots Of Quercus Robur Growing In Different Soil Types” 35: 644-652.
Fu, Xiaoli, Junlong Wang, Huimin Wang, Xiaoqin Dai, Fengting Yang, and Mei Zhao. 2015. “Response Of The Fine Root Production, Phenology, And Turnover Rate Of Six Shrub Species From A Subtropical Forest To A Soil Moisture Gradient And Shading” 399: 135-146.
Chagnon, Pierre-Luc, Robert L. Bradley, and John N. Klironomos. 2015. “Trait-Based Partner Selection Drives Mycorrhizal Network Assembly” 124: 1609-1616.[1287:CISFFI]2.0.CO;2.
Falster, Daniel S., Remko A. Duursma, Masae I. Ishihara, Diego R. Barneche, Richard G. FitzJohn, Angelica Vårhammar, Masahiro Aiba, et al. 2015. “Baad: A Biomass And Allometry Database For Woody Plants” 96: 1445-1445.
Falster, Daniel S., Remko A. Duursma, Masae I. Ishihara, Diego R. Barneche, Richard G. FitzJohn, Angelica Vårhammar, Masahiro Aiba, et al. 2015. “Baad: A Biomass And Allometry Database For Woody Plants” 96: 1445-1445.
Ellsworth, Patrick Z., and Leonel S. L. Sternberg. 2015. “Seasonal Water Use By Deciduous And Evergreen Woody Species In A Scrub Community Is Based On Water Availability And Root Distribution” 8: 538-551.
Valverde-Barrantes, Oscar J., Kurt A. Smemo, Christopher B. Blackwood, and Natalia Norden. 2015. “Fine Root Morphology Is Phylogenetically Structured, But Nitrogen Is Related To The Plant Economics Spectrum In Temperate Trees” 29: 796-807.
Sun, Tao, Lili Dong, and Zijun Mao. 2015. “Simulated Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition Alters Decomposition Of Ephemeral Roots” 18: 1240-1252.
Ellsworth, Patrick Z., and Leonel S. L. Sternberg. 2015. “Seasonal Water Use By Deciduous And Evergreen Woody Species In A Scrub Community Is Based On Water Availability And Root Distribution” 8: 538-551.
Loiola, Priscilla P., Michael Scherer-Lorenzen, and Marco Antônio Batalha. 2015. “The Role Of Environmental Filters And Functional Traits In Predicting The Root Biomass And Productivity In Savannas And Tropical Seasonal Forests” 342: 49-55.
Freschet, Grégoire T., Emilie Kichenin, David A. Wardle, and Francesco de Bello. 2015. “Explaining Within-Community Variation In Plant Biomass Allocation: A Balance Between Organ Biomass And Morphology Above Vs Below Ground?” 26: 431-440.
Mucha, Joanna, Agata Klaudia Szymańska, Marcin Zadworny, Tadeusz Tylkowski, Marcin Michalak, and Jan Suszka. 2015. “Effect Of Seed Storage Temperature On Fine Root Development And Mycorrhizal Colonization Of Young Populus Nigra Seedlings” 72: 539-547.
Germon, Amandine, Rémi Cardinael, Iván Prieto, Zhun Mao, John Kim, Alexia Stokes, Christian Dupraz, Jean-Paul Laclau, and Christophe Jourdan. 2015. “Unexpected Phenology And Lifespan Of Shallow And Deep Fine Roots Of Walnut Trees Grown In A Silvoarable Mediterranean Agroforestry System” 401: 409-426.
Valverde-Barrantes, Oscar J., Kurt A. Smemo, Larry M. Feinstein, Mark W. Kershner, and Christopher B. Blackwood. 2015. “Aggregated And Complementary: Symmetric Proliferation, Overyielding, And Mass Effects Explain Fine-Root Biomass In Soil Patches In A Diverse Temperate Deciduous Forest Landscape” 205: 731-742.
Da Silva, Fernando, Rempei Suwa, Takuya Kajimoto, Moriyoshi Ishizuka, Niro Higuchi, and Norbert Kunert. 2015. “Allometric Equations For Estimating Biomass Of Euterpe Precatoria, The Most Abundant Palm Species In The Amazon” 6: 450-463.
Freschet, Grégoire T., Elferra M. Swart, and Johannes H. C. Cornelissen. 2015. “Integrated Plant Phenotypic Responses To Contrasting Above- And Below-Ground Resources: Key Roles Of Specific Leaf Area And Root Mass Fraction” 206: 1247-1260.
Li, Ang, Timothy J. Fahey, Teresa E. Pawlowska, Melany C. Fisk, and James Burtis. 2015. “Fine Root Decomposition, Nutrient Mobilization And Fungal Communities In A Pine Forest Ecosystem” 83: 76-83.
Eissenstat, David M., Joshua M. Kucharski, Marcin Zadworny, Thomas S. Adams, and Roger T. Koide. 2015. “Linking Root Traits To Nutrient Foraging In Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Trees In A Temperate Forest” 208: 114-124.
Cardinael, Rémi, Zhun Mao, Iván Prieto, Alexia Stokes, Christian Dupraz, John H. Kim, and Christophe Jourdan. 2015. “Competition With Winter Crops Induces Deeper Rooting Of Walnut Trees In A Mediterranean Alley Cropping Agroforestry System” 391: 219-235.
Beidler, Katilyn V., Benton N. Taylor, Allan E. Strand, Emily R. Cooper, Marcos Schönholz, and Seth G. Pritchard. 2015. “Changes In Root Architecture Under Elevated Concentrations Of Co2 And Nitrogen Reflect Alternate Soil Exploration Strategies” 205: 1153-1163.
Collins, Courtney G., Joseph Wright, and Nina Wurzburger. 2015. “Root And Leaf Traits Reflect Distinct Resource Acquisition Strategies In Tropical Lianas And Trees” 180: 1037-1047.
Su, Yu, Xianwei Li, Yunke Liu, Jinfeng Li, Haifeng Yin, and Zhinan Wang. 2015. “Fine Root Morphology And Biomass Characteristics At Preliminary Stage Of Gap Border Trees Of Reformed Low Beneficial Cupressus Funebris Forests” 35: 0587-0593.
Ushio, Masayuki, Yasuto Fujiki, Amane Hidaka, Kanehiro Kitayama, and Lourens Poorter. 2015. “Linkage Of Root Physiology And Morphology As An Adaptation To Soil Phosphorus Impoverishment In Tropical Montane Forests” 29: 1235-1245.
Li, Fang Lan, and Wei Kai Bao. 2015. “New Insights Into Leaf And Fine-Root Trait Relationships: Implications Of Resource Acquisition Among 23 Xerophytic Woody Species” 5: 5344-5351.
Fu, Xiaoli, Junlong Wang, Huimin Wang, Xiaoqin Dai, Fengting Yang, and Mei Zhao. 2015. “Response Of The Fine Root Production, Phenology, And Turnover Rate Of Six Shrub Species From A Subtropical Forest To A Soil Moisture Gradient And Shading” 399: 135-146.
Zhang, Xinyue, and Wei Wang. 2015. “The Decomposition Of Fine And Coarse Roots: Their Global Patterns And Controlling Factors” 5: 9940.
Lin, Na, Norbert Bartsch, Steffi Heinrichs, and Torsten Vor. 2015. “Long-Term Effects Of Canopy Opening And Liming On Leaf Litter Production, And On Leaf Litter And Fine-Root Decomposition In A European Beech (Fagus Sylvatica L.) Forest” 338: 183-190.